The Morning Buzz


“Your prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “give/given/giving.” Begin your post with one of those words. Bonus points if you end your post with one as well.”

Given that it is Saturday I thought perhaps I would join in on the #SoCS. Today is to be a busy one. There is neighborhood yard sale just down the street from us. We’ve plans to go, but woke up to find that it is only 35F outside! Brrr! It is suppose to warm up to a cool 64F today, with lots of sun. But, I am hesitant to venture out just yet on this cold morning. Good thing I have my coffee!

Hubby and I also have plans to go on our weekly date to the movies. It is something that we mutually enjoy and have a nice theatre in the area that does $5 tickets! Perhaps lunch or a bucket of popcorn will be had as well.

Then, I will finish the day preparing for a two day trip. Tomorrow my best friend and I will be off to Charleston, SC for some girl’s time. I have never been there and being it is her number one favorite city, she is very excited about giving me a tour. I’ll be bringing along my camera, of course, and hope to have some photos to share with y’all. 

Happy Saturday to everyone, and be sure to give me a shout out and let me know what you’re up to this weekend! 



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18 responses to “The Morning Buzz

  1. ostendnomadography

    have a great weekend too Mich! My weekend: familytime, local street art festival and preparing luggage for mechico:). Enjoy your weekend(trip) xxx

  2. Ooh, that trip to Charleston sounds AMAZING! Oh, I now find myself being filled with the travel bug! AHHH! It is honestly the most difficult thing when you want to travel, but you just can’t! I couldn’t think of anything worse!

    My plans for the weekend involve actually posting the #SoCS I typed up early Saturday Morning. Procrastinating on a lot of the things I have to do on my ‘To-Do List’. Haha, I know. It’s terrible.

    As for Sunday, well I’m going to a girlfriend’s house to binge eight episodes of a TV Show called ‘Scandal’. I’m kind of excited for it, although… I haven’t really binged TV Shows in my time. So today (for me) ought to be a new experience. It also marks the first time that I’ve seen and caught up with her since she moved away two months ago! It’s weird, a lot can change in two months.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy your weekend away! Have fun and stay safe!

    – A.J. BAWSE, 🙂 Xx

  3. It’s spring break time, so a lot of my friends are headed to, or have recently been to South Carolina. Charleston was many years ago for me, but I do remember it as a beautiful city. I hope you had a great day and a great trip 🙂

  4. Lovely. 😀 I hope you enjoyed your trip! Thanks for participating in SoCS!

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